Lollapalooza event sees stolen iPhones


A concert crime ring has been uncovered after Lollapalooza attendees reported their iPhones stolen on social media and the police.

The Lollapalooza event in Grant Park saw thousands of people losing their smartphones. Chicago Police reported that they recovered more than a hundred phones during the 4-day music festival.

TikTok influencer Jessica Bauwens took to the social platform to post her experience. She mentioned that it’s difficult to stay aware of your possessions since there’s a large crowd and people are in close proximity to one another. However, Bauwens noted how easy and quick it was for the thieves to steal the iPhone even when it was in a clear fanny pack.

Chicago police suggest that people change their AirPods’ color as it’s an indication that you have an iPhone. During the whole 4-day event, the authorities recovered 120-plus mobiles and made six arrests. Some of those were described as ‘professional crews from South Florida’.


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