Apple gains two Ex-Mercedes engineers for its special projects group


Apple has acquired two ex-Mercedes engineers to bolster its ‘special projects’ platform, which is likely connected to developing the much-awaited Apple Car.

One of the new hires worked at Mercedes before, with a focus on vehicle steering, mass production, dynamics, project management and software. They have been assigned to ‘Special Projects Group and may take similar responsibilities at Apple.

Apple’s ‘Project Titan’ is a closely guarded secret, and although there have been rumors on what the ultimate goal is, the Cupertino-based company has mostly kept it internal. The project is steadily growing with employees from various car making companies.

‘Project Titan’ has lost several top managers over the years, which possibly delayed the timeline and launch. Kevin Lynch is on the helm and leads the platform, while Apple is negotiating with carmakers for a partnership and suppliers such as Foxconn, which is believed to have a hand in the Apple Car supply chain.


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