Guide for New Moms: List of All the Essentials You Need to Buy for Your Newborn


Becoming a parent for the first time is undoubtedly a great responsibility and excitement, as this experience happens for the first time. The questions arise about everything: what diapers and other clothes to choose, what you need to feed the baby, what food will be best for the baby, what creams and medications you need and much more. In fact, these questions are pretty common, so let’s find out what every newborn baby needs.

Everything you need for feeding

It is no a secret that feeding is practically the most important part of caring for a child, because it directly affects one’s health and well-being. Therefore, the most important thing is to find out what kind of feeding is right for your child. The best option for a newborn is breastfeeding, which satisfies all the needs of the child. There are situations when breastfeeding is not possible, and come to the aid of organic formulas, which also do a great job and give the child only useful substances. For the correct selection of the organic formula, it is better to consult a doctor and always monitor the reaction of the baby.

You will also need extra items for comforting feeding. These include a nursing cover (that will protect you and your baby when feeding in crowded places), bottles and nipples that vary and come in many shapes and sizes. There are both plastic and glass bottles, and the nipples come in different sizes, so you may have to buy a few to find the perfect one for your baby. You may also need a breast pump, if you need to leave the baby for a while, you can always leave breast milk and another family member will be able to feed the his or her. Another device as a bottle warmer can be a real helper for you, as it will save your time when heating skim milk or organic formula.

Everything you need for diapering

The changing table will be just right for you, which will help you change your baby’s diaper. Usually there are drawers with the necessary things, so you will always have everything at hand. And of course you need a lot of diapers, because they have to be changed several times a day. First, buy small packs, because you need to decide on the right size for your child. Two other important remedies for your baby are wet wipes and diaper rash cream. After each diaper change, you will need a damp cloth to wipe your newborn’s diaper area and also apply a moisturizer so that the baby does not suffer from redness and itching. This is just as important as baby bathing hygiene, so use special bath gels and shampoos for babies.

And do not forget about children’s clothing, which you definitely will be changing so often and buying new ones, because the growth of the child is a matter of days. Make sure you have clothes of larger size. The first weeks you will need a swaddle blanket, one-piece outfits will be very comfortable to use, socks, T-shirts, leggings are also always needed. Do not forget about a hat that protects the child from the sun and other clothing for cold weather.


Therefore, always remember about the health of the child and also do not forget about the various additional items that can make the process of feeding and caring for the child even more comfortable.