The City Sentinel, Staff Report
Starting with the 2023-2023 school year, Oklahoma’s high school students will join thousands of other students around the country in taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test.
Officially signed into law during the legislative session, a ceremonial signing was held last month at the Capitol for Senate Bill 642.
Senator Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, was author of the measure in the Legislature’s upper chamber, and said it will provide another free tool for students as they begin examining possible careers.
“Deciding what career to pursue can be overwhelming for high school students. Having access to the ASVAB test will help provide career guidance for those interested in the military or to expose them to hundreds of other career opportunities,” Pugh said.
“This test brings to light their unique strengths and skills that can be used in fields such as engineering, physics, mechanics and many others, including those that don’t require a postsecondary education. We need to provide Oklahoma’s students and their families all the guidance possible while they’re making these important life decisions.”
Pugh, an Air Force veteran, noted that Oklahoma has one of the lowest ASVAB administration rates in the nation even though the state has one of the highest military populations and one of the highest rates of high school students entering the military.
Under S.B. 642, which became law on July 1, Oklahoma public schools and public charter schools must offer students, beginning in their sophomore year, the opportunity to take the free U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) administered ASVAB test and consult with a military recruiter.
Tests will be administered during normal school day hours and cannot conflict with extracurricular activities. Notice of the date, time, and location of the test will be provided to eligible students and their parents or legal guardians.
Navy veteran Rep. Dustin Roberts, R-Durant, was the principal House author of the measure.
“Many high school graduates choose the military as their next step in life, some even deciding to make this their career,” Roberts said. “Giving students the opportunity to take the ASVAB in high school puts them one step closer to their goals and to future success. Even if they choose a different path, they will benefit from this comprehensive exam.”
The ASVAB is a heavily researched and well-respected aptitude test developed by the DOD that is used for career exploration and measures a young adult’s strengths and potential for success in military training or other fields.