What Is PRP and Does It Work?

img source: prityskincare.co.uk

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is produced by extracting blood from the patient and then spinning it in a machine, which separates the platelets.

The platelets re-energize other cells to start healing. In turn, collagen and fibers are regenerated. The body starts to form new cells in the treated area, which speeds up the healing process.

It has been used for over three decades in Europe and Asia to treat various musculoskeletal conditions, particularly in sports medicine, for its ability to stimulate the natural healing process.

1. Does PRP work?

img source: 101hair.rs

If you’ve ever had a sprained or damaged joint, you know how painful it can be. You may also have experienced severe pain due to arthritic joints, rheumatoid arthritis or even osteoarthritis. While painkillers and other medications are helpful, they don’t offer permanent relief.

Nowadays, an effective pill claims to provide potent pain relief in as little as 15 minutes. Doctors of chiropractic are finding plenty of proof to support this fact. The production of PRP has a lot to do with how effective the procedure is in reducing pain and keeping the pain away.

PRP works by the body’s natural regenerative process, which boosts the immune system response, increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery to damaged tissue. PRP also causes a release of growth factors, which signal tissues to promote cell regeneration naturally. Together, these mechanisms jumpstart the body’s innate healing properties.

Whether you are suffering from arthritic pain, need relief from joint and muscle pain or want to improve skin health, this treatment is a great option for you.

Moreover, it’s important to remember that PRP works the same way as traditional injections, but there is no downtime. It works right away and it’s the ONLY treatment for skin rejuvenation that heals in three weeks. According to some studies, this procedure does not work for everyone, but it works well for 97% of the patients.

One of the doctors who perform this procedure, Dr. J C P Wang, has been all over the news regarding his new treatment. Last year he posted a video on YouTube to show the benefits of PRP.

2. What Are The Uses Of PRP?

img source: divaclinic.com

The following are the uses:

1. Weight Loss

There have been studies conducted on mice using PRP for weight loss. The use of platelets stimulated the body to produce more fat cells, which resulted in weight loss.

2. Bunion Pain

Clinical trials have been conducted on patients who experienced bunion pain. The study shows that PRP can be applied to bunion toes in combination with platelet lysate to stimulate new tissue growth and heal damaged tissue.

3. Healing Tendonitis and Other Injuries in Joints

img source: ihealthspot.com

One of the best solutions for joint pain problems is PRP. The treatment helps to fight the swelling, which gives better mobility. Finding a certified orthopedic surgeon that is skilled in administering PRP injection therapy is important as well.

4. Facial and Skin Rejuvenation

PRP can also help improve facial appearance, including enhancing physical symmetry, tightening skin and reducing lines and wrinkles. By harvesting platelets from your blood, spun in a centrifuge for about 15 minutes at 2500 pm. The resulting plasma is collected and stored according to Federal Regulations.

PRP can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines on the face, neck and hands.

5. Hair Regrowth

img source: medicalnewstoday.com

PRP can also help grow hair in people suffering from alopecia or baldness. After the blood is extracted and spun, the platelets are applied using a needle treatment, similar to a vaccine.

6. Burns

PRP can be used to treat burns and ulcers, wounds and surgical scars. The PRP is applied as a gel and draws moisture to the area of injury. The skin tissue is stimulated to regrow, leaving a smoother and healthier scar.

7. Surgical Site Improvement

PRP can also help regenerate muscle, nerves, and connective tissue during surgical procedures. It is commonly used during micro-surgical operations, such as spinal surgery when the spinal cord has been damaged.

8. Animal Treatments

img source: veterinarypracticenews.com

PRP has been used on animals as well with great success. Farms have used it to help heal animals suffering from lameness or arthritis in their joints. Horses have also seen a reduction in signs of aging following PRP treatments.

9. Anti-Aging

PRP therapy is also being looked at as an anti-aging aid for human beings, with some people already using it to help treat facial wrinkles and lines.

10. Nail Treatment

PRP has also been used to help regrow damaged nails by inserting the platelets into the skin and nail, which stimulates the surrounding tissue.

11. Scar Removal

img source: miamiskinspa.com

PRP can be used with traditional surgery procedures to help remove scarring and improve healing after an operation. It can also be used as a skin rejuvenation treatment called a facial lift.

3. What Are the Benefits of PRP?

The benefits include:

1. Painless

Unlike other treatment options such as Botox, PRP is painless because no injections are needed. In addition, the procedure itself typically only takes about 10 minutes or less, depending on the area being treated.

2. Non-Invasive

Unlike other treatments, the PRP procedure is non-invasive, which means no incisions are needed to receive the treatment. The only time complications can occur when a patient becomes ill or has an infection during the treatment process.

3. Increased Appearance

img source: promdhealth.com

PRP treatment often results in an enhanced appearance of skin texture, tone and even elasticity and improves overall skin tone and overall appearance of facial features.

4. Renewed Skin

PRP stimulates the body to produce collagen and elastin, which results in a renewed skin texture and tone. In addition, it helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

5. Aesthetics

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, cosmetic dermatology treatments such as PRP can enhance skin texture and improve elasticity when licensed physicians perform.

4. Is It the Same as Blood or Plasma?

img source: advancedfueclinic.com

No, it is not. PRP treatment involves extracting one’s blood and then spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets. Platelets are plasma cells that are full of growth factors. It is similar to what occurs naturally when you have a cut.

The body responds by producing white blood cells and platelets, healing the area. The growth factors jumpstart skin regeneration in areas that have been injured and stop collagen from breaking down

In conclusion, PRP is an advanced technology that helps to increase the efficacy of treatments, such as aesthetic surgery and injections.

PRP is an effective treatment for many disorders because of its natural ability to stimulate collagen production and enhance cell regeneration. In addition, it can be used as a therapeutic agent for many other conditions, such as wounds and burns.