Kids heading back to class at Oklahoma City Public Schools


OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Students in the state’s largest school district will be heading back to the classroom on Monday.

As a result of Senate Bill 658 and Gov. Stitt’s decision not to issue a state of emergency, Oklahoma City Public Schools is not allowed to require masks in school buildings.

Although masking is not required, district officials say they are still doing everything they can to keep kids safe during the pandemic.

Crews at Oklahoma City Public Schools are continuing to sanitize classrooms each day, and say the district’s new air filtration system should help keep harmful bacteria out of the air as much as possible.

While masks are not required, district officials say they are still encouraging students and staff members to wear masks in class.

“The fact of the matter is these are choices that people have to make. If they make these choices to mask up when appropriate, to get vaccinated, and to quarantine when appropriate, we give ourselves a better chance of remaining healthy in the buildings,” said Dr. Sean McDaniel, Superintendent of Oklahoma City Public Schools.


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