Oklahoma man says he was attacked, knocked out after asking neighbors to keep noise down


NEWCASTLE, Okla. (KFOR) – A southwest Oklahoma City man contacted KFOR after he was allegedly severally beaten by a now-retired Newcastle firefighter in July.

“It was just unbelievable to me that this was occurring in our neighborhood,” Chad Williamson told News 4.

Williamson says he was assaulted a few doors down from his home back in July.

“I started feeling my face and when I reached up here, I felt bone. So, I knew it was pretty bad,” he said.

He said it started with a group of neighbors driving ATVs up and down his street late at night while drinking. When he asked the group to keep it down, it allegedly led to an altercation.

“Immediately, the main guy driving the trike was like, ‘if you don’t like it, call the F-ing cops,'” Williamson said.

He said that’s when someone knocked him out cold.

“That part is a little fuzzy to me. I was waking up and saw that she was on the phone and kind of walking away from the situation,” he said.

His wife was on the phone with police.

“Get the F*** out of here!” a man is heard saying in the background of the 911 call.

“Ah! Get out of my face!” she said.

“Get the F*** out of here!” the man said again.

“Is that him yelling at ya?” the 911 dispatcher asked.

“Yes,” she replied.

After the alleged assault, Williamson’s face was covered in blood, bruises and a deep gash.

According to the police report, the man who hit him, “said he was about to be a retired firefighter and can’t be fighting.”

“I’m told while I was unconscious, he was on top of me. And I know he struck me at least once more here, because I had a lot of swelling on this side as well,” Williamson said. “I don’t think he possesses the characteristics that a public servant should have.”

News 4 is not naming him because charges have not been filed. We spoke with him over the phone on Tuesday.

“There’s more to the story of what took place,” he said.

He also said he’s since retired from the Newcastle Fire Department. He did not want to comment any further.

“Our encounter of him that night, he was a monster, a violent monster,” said Williamson. “The ER docs and even the cop was asking if he had a weapon because they had never seen a fist make a wound like that.”

Williamson said he expects charges to be filed soon, according to what the detective told him last week.


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