Live: Oklahoma City Public Schools to implement mask mandate


OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) -As students across the state head back to class, health officials have warned that COVID-19 cases are climbing.

This week, Oklahoma City Public Schools welcomed students back to class.

While many districts have said they will encourage their students to wear masks indoors, state lawmakers passed Senate Bill 658, which would prevent schools from requiring masks indoors unless a state of emergency is issued.

On Friday, Oklahoma City Public Schools announced that it is requiring masks for students and staff.

“While Senate Bill 658 prohibits school boards from mandating the wearing of masks, the law does not prohibit the Superintendent and district administration from requiring the wearing of masks by our students, staff, and visitors,” a letter from Superintendent Dr. Sean McDaniel read.

Beginning Aug. 16, face coverings will be required on school property, school vehicles, and at school-sponsored events regardless of your vaccination status.


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