EMSA issues Medical Heat Alert in Oklahoma City metro area after treating residents suffering from heat-related illness


OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – EMSA issued its seventh Medical Heat Alert of the summer on Saturday after responding to heat-related illness calls in the Oklahoma City metro area.

EMSA paramedics treated five people for suspected heat-related illness as of 4:30 p.m. Saturday.

Officials with the ambulance service ask that people take the following precautions when outside over the next several days:

  • PRE-HYDRATION is key in preventing heat-related illness. Drink plenty of water or electrolyte replacement drinks several hours prior to and during long exposure to the summer heat.
  • Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing and a wide brimmed hat if working outdoors and take plenty of shade breaks.
  • No alcohol or caffeine. 
  • If you do not have air conditioning, find a cooling station or public space (such as libraries or malls) during the day.
  • Don’t limit your use of air conditioning. 
  • Use the buddy system if working outdoors and check on elderly neighbors.
  • Keep a cell phone on you at all times when outdoors, including walking, running daily errands, yard work or sports and physical activity.

Medical Heat Alerts are issued when paramedics respond to five or more heat-related illness calls in a 24-hour period.

The Heat Alert will remain active until the temperatures and heat-related call volume decrease significantly. KFOR meteorologists anticipate temperatures in the middle to high 90s over the next week.

The 4 Warn Forecast for the next several days is as follows:

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4 Warn Weather Forecast


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