OKCPS to require unvaccinated students, staff to quarantine for 10 days after close contact with positive COVID-19 case; hundreds of students COVID positive


OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Oklahoma City Public Schools is changing its COVID-19 policy as hundreds of students test positive for COVID-19, requiring unvaccinated students and staff to quarantine for 10 calendar days if they come into close contact with an individual who is positive for COVID-19.

OKCPS’ new policy goes into effect on Monday, Aug. 30.

Staff and students who are exposed to a positive COVID-19 case will be asked for proof of vaccination, according to Dr. Sean McDaniel, OKCPS Superintendent.

Exposed students and staff who have proof of vaccination will be allowed to attend school or come to work as long as they are asymptomatic, meaning they have no symptoms of COVID-19, according to OKCPS officials, McDaniel said.

Masks at OKCPS
Oklahoma City Public Schools students coming to class.

OKCPS officials reported this week that 356 students and 53 staff members tested positive for COVID-19.

“Schools and parents have a duty under state law (63 O.S. § 1-505) to keep students home when they are in isolation or quarantine,” McDaniel said. “These students should remain away from school facilities and activities until their period of isolation or quarantine has ended. Isolation and quarantine are determined by the Oklahoma State Department of Health or – within Oklahoma County or Tulsa County – by their respective county health departments.”

The following chart provided by OKCPS details what the school district expects if a staff member or student comes into close contact with someone who is not vaccinated:

School officials have the following reminders for students, parents and guardians and staff:

  • If you or your child are sick, DO NOT come to work or send your child to school.
  • As soon as a student or staff member receives a positive test result, they need to notify their supervisor or their child’s school. This is critical information for schools and district contact tracers. 
  • DO NOT come to school or work if you are waiting on test results. OKCPS expects you to stay home until you’ve received your results. 
  • Students SHOULD NOT come to school if someone in their household is positive for COVID-19, even if the child isn’t sick.
  • Staff members SHOULD NOT come to work if someone in their household is positive for COVID-19. Contact your supervisor for additional instructions.

Continued Coronavirus Coverage


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